The PicoSEC Marie-Curie Network's outreach and communication activity at a glance:
Introduction to the Network and the project and first scientific results
What is PicoSEC and the researchers' "PicoSEC experience"
The important steps of the Project's activity
Scientific and Outreach descriptions of PicoSEC activity
PicoSEC's core activity explained to the students
PicoSEC researchers talk about PicoSEC at Open Days
The PicoSEC-MCNet brochures:
PicoSEC-MCNet overview - brochure: an overview of the project, its scientific work and its people.
PicoSEC-MCNet scientific achievements - brochure: the scientific project and the results of of the PicoSEC-MCNet work.
The PicoSEC-MCNet videos:
PicoSEC-MCNet overview - video: a brief introduction to the PicoSEC-MCNet Project, particularly focusing on the scientific aim and content, the laboratory activities at the different Institutes and Companies and the Network organisation.
The PicoSEC experience - video: the PicoSEC researchers talk about their experience of being part of the Network for four years and the Coordinator and SB chair comment on the scientific and cultural aspects of the project.
The articles on PicoSEC for the CERN Bullettin:
New researchers for applied physics, by Rita Giuffredi (October 8, 2012)
No speed limits in medical imaging (and High-Energy Physics), by Rita Giuffredi & Tom Meyer (November 27, 2015)
Posters on PicoSEC-MCNet:
Poster on PicoSEC researchers, their working stations and their home countries, prepared for the Mid Term REview of the Project as well as for CERN OPen Days.: the scientific project and the results of of the PicoSEC-MCNet work.
PicoSEC events for school students:
PicoSEC researchers realized several outreach events in schools, balancing top-down explanations with interactive activities on PicoSEC scientific content and the scientific job in general:
- TUM, Munich (Germany), January 14th, 2013: "Medical imaging and PicoSEC-MCNet project" (reailzed by TUM and SurgicEye PicoSEC researchers);
- Bellegarde (France), Lycée de Saint-Exupery, March 15th, 2013: "The scientist's job in PicoSEC-MCNet" (realized by CERN and UNIMIB PicoSEC researchers);
- Annemasse (France), Lycée des Glières, May 16th, 2013: "PicoSEC-MCNet: science and diversity" (realized by CERN and UNIMIB PicoSEC researchers);
- Ferney-Voltaire (France), Lycée International, October 10th, 2013: "Science and Internationality at CERN and in PicoSEC-MCNet Project" (realized by CERN and UNIMIB PicoSEC researchers);
- Geneva (Switerland), Ecole Rudolf Steiner, January 23th, 2015: "PicoSEC-MCNet: making Europe through science and international teamwork" (realized by CERN and UNIMIB PicoSEC researchers);
- Bonneville (France), Lycée Guillame Fichet, February 6th, 2015: "PicoSEC-MCNet: making Europe through science and international teamwork" (realized by CERN and UNIMIB PicoSEC researchers);
- Ferney-Voltaire (France), Lycée et College international, March 3rd, 2015: "PicoSEC-MCNet: making Europe through science and international teamwork" (realized by CERN and UNIMIB PicoSEC researchers);
- Bellegarde (France), Outreach event at Lycée Saint-Exupery, May 5th, 2015: "PicoSEC-MCNet: making Europe through science and international teamwork" (realized by CERN and UNIMIB PicoSEC researchers);
The PicoSEC researchers participated also to various public events for kids:
- Ethnopoly, Meyrin (Genève, Switzerland), May 17th, 2013: "Communiquer malgré la langue" (realized by CERN and UNIMIB PicoSEC researchers);
- "Kinder-Uni – Einblicke in die Teilchenwelt" (at Kirchoff Institut für Physik), Apr. 2, 2014 (realized by UHEI PicoSEC researchers);
- Ethnopoly, Meyrin (Genève, Switzerland), May 9th, 2014: "Science without borders: building networks of scientists" (realized by CERN, UNIMIB and STMicroelectronics PicoSEC researchers);
- Ethnopoly, Meyrin (Genève, Switzerland), May 29th, 2015: "Interdisciplinary team working in European network of scientists" (realized by CERN and UNIMIB PicoSEC researchers);

PicoSEC participation to Partner Institutes' Open Days:
PicoSEC-MCNet researchers participated to some Partner Institutes Open Days:
- CERN 2013 Open Days, September 28th-29th;
- DESY 2013 Open Days, November 2nd.