The following reserchers have worked in the frame of PicoSEC-MCNet during the years 2011-2015. Their individual research projects are listed here below.
Individual Research Projects*
* sorted by ESR (Early Stage Researcher), then ER (Experienced Researcher).
Research Project: Understanding and improving light production, light transport, light collection in scintillators. |
Research Project: Evaluation of scintillator timing performance with different SiPM types (analog and digital). |
Research Project: Development and optimization of a matrix assembly for PET detector: crystal coating and Assembly, coupling of optical component and photodetectors. |
Research Project: Design of time-to-digital converter (TDC) arrays;readout of individual single-photon detecting pixels based on SPADs. |
Research Project: Design of single-photon detector arrays (SPADs) in CMOS; event-driven column readout or on-chip data reorganization. |
Research Project: Development of front-end electronics for fast SiPM readout. |
Research Project: Use of SiPMs for fast timing in highly granular calorimeters. |
Research Project: Micro-pulling-down growth of shaped single crystals, quality and efficiency improvement of this technique. |
Research Project: Design of SiPM readout chip + TDC for TOF applications. |
Research Project: Design, construction and test of a TOF-PET prototype. |
Research Project: Fabrication of optical coupling microstructures via laser direct writing. |
Research Project: Design and characterization of TOF ASIC. |
Research Project: Development of high-performance DAQ for PET. |
Research Project: Characterization and optimization of scintillating crystals for applications to medical imaging and future detectors for high energy physics. |
Research Project: Characterization of several types of SiPM. |
Research Project: Advanced tracking and navigation for endoscopy. |
Research Project: Design of a SiPM for Time of Flight-PET. |
Research Project: Image Reconstruction using Tracked Flexible Detectors. |
Research Project: Concept, realization and optimization of a crystal fiber matrix prototype for calorimetry in HEP and evaluation of its performance in test beam. |
Research Project: Design and characterization of ASIC for fast SiPM readout. |
Research Project: Research on and test of combined Scint./SiPM systems. |
Research Project: Test and assembly of optical coupling microstructures realised by laser direct writing. |
The researchers talk about their "PicoSEC experience":